G3835 | πανοῦργος | |||||
原文音譯:pan-our'gos 對等譯字:EVERY-ACTing 文法分類:形容詞 出現次數:1 出現經節:林後 12:16 和合本譯字及次數 詭詐 字義及字源追溯 [(3956*=每,一切)+(2041*=工作,行為,行動)] all-working, ready to do anything, skillful [(3956=all*)+(2041=toil*)] | panourgos pan-oor'-gos from 3956 and 2041; TDNT - 5:722,770; adj AV - crafty 1; 1 1) skilful, clever 1a) in a good sense, fit to undertake and accomplish anything, dexterous, wise, sagacious, skilful 1b) in a bad sense, crafty, cunning, knavish, treacherous, deceitful |